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11/02/2022 08:00 AM

A Proven Track Record

I am a Westbrook resident who will vote on Tuesday, Nov. 8 to re-elect our State Representative Christine Goupil, because she recognizes that our small towns have complex and diverse needs that require proactive and collaborative leadership to navigate. As the 35th District’s State Representative, Christine has listened to constituents, studied the issues, and worked hard for all of us in Hartford. Christine has helped pass laws that support nutritional health for seniors, mitigate the health risks of firefighters, strengthen the reproductive rights of women, and meet the growing mental health challenge faced by our children with research-backed solutions. Christine’s voting record in Hartford is a reflection of the values of our community, not the result of marching orders from extreme national groups that are out of step with what hardworking Connecticut residents want and need. These unprecedented times call for a leader with a proven track record, and I hope readers will join me in voting to re-elect Christine Goupil.

Anne Burgio
