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10/26/2022 08:00 AM

Passion for Education

This year, parts of East Haven will have a different incumbent senator on our voting ballot. In the past, most of East Haven was one district and we had one senator to represent us. This year, part of Momauguin and Morgan Point will have Senator Christine Cohen on the ballot. I have had the honor of meeting and speaking with Sen. Cohen a few times and have found her to be so pleasant and personable. I had the opportunity to ask about her record over her last two terms in the Senate. One of the things that impressed me the most was her passion for education!

Prior to becoming a state senator, Christine was an elected member of the Guilford Board of Education. Once elected to the Senate, Christine worked towards increased funding for local schools, towards debt-free community college for both full- and part-time students, towards better mental health outcomes for children through mental health wellness days, and suicide prevention training programs. She worked to develop an automatic admission program for high school students who achieve a certain GPA into any of our public four-year institutions, excluding UConn. Christine also worked to create the Office of Dyslexia and Reading Disabilities to ensure our educators are properly equipped to support all students.

–- UNDER CONSIDERTATION FOR DELETION --Senator Christine Cohen has a proven track record of delivering for her district and all of Connecticut! ---

Kathleen Pirro

East Haven