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10/19/2022 08:00 AM

Keep Moving Forward

It’s true that we had all seen the writing on the wall — the overturn of Roe was imminent. From the Republicans blocking Merrick Garland’s confirmation, to the Senate pushing through Amy Coney Barrett after Americans had already begun casting their votes in the Presidential election, to the leaked draft Dobb’s opinion — we knew it was coming. All of that warning could never have prepared me for the moment the decision was finally announced. While that day will go down as an incredibly dark day in America’s history, I did find solace that our legislative leaders, State Senator Christine Cohen and State Representative John-Michael Parker, had voted just a few weeks earlier to ensure those seeking and providing abortions in Connecticut could do so safely and without fear of legal repercussions.

We are certainly in good hands here in Connecticut - but we must not be complacent. In every election, there are candidates waiting in the wings to flip these seats red and move us backwards. Vote blue this Tuesday, Nov. 8 to keep Connecticut moving forward with Christine Cohen and John-Michael Parker.

Sufia Uddin
