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10/12/2022 08:00 AM

Principled Representatives

I attended the first round of Town Committee meetings Christine Cohen did to introduce herself and her candidacy for State Senator. I was there when Christine Goupil introduced herself as a candidate for State Representative. Both were articulate and came with knowledge of and experience in their communities. Cohen is a business owner in Madison and served on the Guilford School Board. Goupil served as First Selectwoman in Clinton and is now on the Clinton Town Council.

I am impressed by them because they are passionate about their work and about addressing the impact of climate change that is now causing environmental degradation across America. Cohen chairs the Senate Environmental Committee and seeks to lower our environmental footprints in ways big and small. Both she and Goupil were active supporters of the successful efforts to save Deer Lake from development.

Goupil is on the Connecticut House of Representatives Human Services and Transportation Committees and is Vice Chair of the Planning and Development Committee. The later involves opportunities for environmental considerations. Through the Transportation Committee she worked with 9 Town Transit and Middletown Transit to complete their recent merger, expanding service to the public.

I find Goupil and Cohen to be principled representatives of the people they serve, choosing to work in bipartisan ways where possible. Their knowledge about the common and more obscure issues always impresses me.

Both Christines have shown us that they have the right stuff to serve in our state legislature. By the right stuff, I mean character, knowledge, a problem-solving mindset, and a willingness to reach across the aisle for the common good.

Please join me in voting for Cohen and Goupil on Tuesday, Nov. 8.

Kathleen Amoia
