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03/16/2022 08:00 AM

The Heart of the Community

I encourage your readers to check their mailboxes. Our annual membership renewal letter should be arriving soon. We are the Scranton Library Friends (SLF), and we are inviting your readers to join us and to become involved in the many volunteer opportunities we offer. We have good times and raise a portion of the dollars needed to augment the operating budget for our Scranton Library.

Remember, our Scranton Library is not owned by our town. Our Scranton Library is free and open to everyone. But unlike most libraries, ours is a nonprofit organization that relies on the generosity of donors, as well as local government and community partnerships and the SLF. Our Scranton Library is an association library governed by a board of trustees. As such, our library must generate a significant portion of our budget annually. This is where SLF helps by holding used book sales, our new and fun fundraiser “Library Links,” and the festive holiday event, “Holiday Bows.”

When readers receive our mailing, I encourage them to open it and see what we are doing for our library and our town, and then to please join the Scranton Library Friends. An envelope is included for their use.

Many say “a library is the beating heart of a community”. Help us keep that wonderful, new, built for the 21st century library-heart beating by supporting the Scranton Library Friends.

Betsey Piner, President

Scranton Library Friends