Double Standards
I’m sick of double standards with present-day media including this birdcage liner. You won’t publish names of criminals that have been arrested in our towns, but a parent refusing to wear a mask while watching his daughters basketball game gets his name on the front page! [Feb. 17 story “Town Will Hire Extra-Duty Officer Following Arrest of Parent Refusing to Mask at Rec Game.”] Sounds more like pushing an agenda than reporting news.
Michael Fuller
Editor’s note: While the Harbor News withholds names of those accused of crimes in our summary of the Police Incident Report, we regularly publish names of those convicted of significant crimes and in bylined stories covering stories of general interest. In those stories and unlike in the Police Incident Report, it’s our policy to give an opportunity for those accused to provide their side of the story before publication, as we did in the referenced article. Please send our regards to your bird.