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10/27/2021 08:00 AM

Makes Madison Strong

As a child growing up in Madison, Bruce Wilson recognized that the town’s many volunteers created an environment for growth and safety. When Bruce moved to Madison to raise his own family 29 years ago, he joined the cadre of volunteers that he knows makes Madison strong.

He did youth sports coaching, was a board member of the Rockland Preserve, chaired Madison’s Board of Education Policy Committee (2013 to 2015), was a trustee of the Madison Historical Society (2016 to 2020), and is a current member of Madison’s Board of Selectmen (2015 to present). Bruce’s service to our town over many years makes him exceptionally knowledgeable about Madison’s history and its needs. He is committed to seeing that Madison maintains control over its own zoning rights.

Bruce Wilson is a former CEO, COO, and corporate director with extensive business expertise in many industries. His management and leadership experience will significantly benefit all Madison residents. I encourage your readers to join me in voting on Nov. 2 to elect Bruce Wilson to be our first selectman!

Joan McPherson
