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10/27/2021 08:00 AMIt takes more than civic zeal and enthusiasm to serve as a member the Police Commission. It requires total commitment, drive, resolve, and an almost limitless energy to perform every aspect of the job. You need to be thick-skinned, confident, knowledgeable, and focused on the issues that impact the integrity of the Police Department and the community. You have to be strong enough to listen to your conscience, your better nature, and intellect, in spite of unyielding circumstances. And you need to dedicate many hours to researching problems and finding answers. It is a demanding role.
I respect and admire Chub Wilcox and Renee Shippee for their dedication and perseverance in making themselves heard and understood on this commission. Plainly, their loyalty and commitment is to respectfully serve the community and to keep the Police Department accountable to the commission on which they serve. Carol Manning will continue the drive for honesty, transparency, and accountability and oversight of the leadership of the Police Department. She has shown these qualities while serving as a former selectman. Her passion and past performance are unassailable. Jessica Calle and Jill Notar-Francesco are as equally committed to exacting transparency, accountability, and oversight of the Police Department’s activities as they relate to police practices and conduct. The Police Commission could extricate itself from contention and come to consensus with the additions of these Democratic candidates.
Mary Hansen
Old Saybrook