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10/20/2021 08:00 AM

Will We Be Proud?

Today, hundreds of people are considering moving to Guilford. Just ask the real estate agents in town. They are looking at housing prices, quality of life, commuting distances, schools, and they are trying to get a sense of our community by searching the Internet and asking friends and colleagues. Will we be proud of what they find?

We know that they will find that we are not far from New Haven, and we have some public transportation options. We have housing locations that range from walkable downtown areas to water views to private woodland spots. There is a little town beach and a marina. The community has made a commitment to conservation and that means it’s beautiful when you drive around and there are lots of options for outdoor recreation. Our schools rank quite high in the state, send kids to some of the best colleges, boast of an International Baccalaureate program, and have some standout sports teams. We have an old-fashioned parade ahead of the big fair each year.

But what’s this? Guilford was featured on some ultra-conservative news outlets over some drama about the curriculum. Uh oh. Let’s wait and see how this turns out before we commit.

Let’s keep Guilford on course by supporting the fusion slate of Democrats and Independents, rows A and C, on Nov. 2.

Lewis Burgess
