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10/20/2021 08:00 AM

Record of Civic Engagement

This Election Day, Nov. 2, we have an opportunity to put a true, experienced financial professional on Madison’s Board of Finance. Happy Marino has served our town on the Board of Education for six years and has been a true leader on that board’s Curriculum and Finance Committees. In her 20 year career in the telecom industry, she continues to be responsible for all aspects of planning, budgeting, and managing multi-million-dollar projects.

Happy holds a master’s degree in special education from Harvard University and is the founder of Borrowed Wings and Spanning the Universe Awards at Ryerson Elementary School. She also was founded the Science Palooza program at Jeffrey School. She has the reputation of working across party lines to reach the best results for Madison. She stands out as a leader who is able to prioritize what Madison needs over what Madison wants.

Happy Marino believes annual budgets should be viewed holistically, town and school, as it’s all primarily funded by property taxes. She is the proud mom of three teenagers. Happy will ensure that every Madison parent, family, and senior citizen will have the straight facts in order to help each of us make the right decisions on priorities and spending.

Over the next two to three years, Madison residents will have to make several historic decisions about school and town facilities and bonding. Now more than ever we need someone like Happy Marino. Madison needs someone with a local track record of civic engagement, strong fiscal experience, and honesty representing us. I encourage your readers to vote for Happy Marino for the Board of Finance.

Kristin Walsh
