Part of a Continuing Effort
I am excited to be running for a seat on the Board of Education. This is an opportunity for me to bring my past experience to a new endeavor. Having served as a selectman and having chaired the Board of Finance, I will bring a new and positive perspective to public education in our town. On a personal note, my three grown children are products of the Clinton Public Schools; I have three grandchildren in the system right now. My wife, Laraine, is a retired Clinton teacher.
I have studied six years of education budgets. The Board of Education does an exemplary job of providing for the needs of the students and staff. I would like to use my past experiences to play a role in the future of our school system. I would like to be a part of a continuing effort to provide our children with an education that prepares them for the future.
I encourage voters on Nov. 2 to go to the polls and cast a vote for me, and also for incumbent Erica Gelven, who serves as chairperson of the Board of Education.
Jack Scherban
Democrat Jack Scherban is seeking a seat on the Board of Education.