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09/22/2021 08:00 AM

Care, Tenacity, and Love

Working on John Hall’s farm is an experience to which I attribute much of my growth as a young person. The farm was my first job, and at 15, John and Bonnie took me under their wings and spent the time to teach me at every available opportunity (farm related or not). Despite having no experience with a job or farming, the Halls’ mentorship taught me the value of hard work, community and, of course, the best way to stack hay bales.

After having held multiple jobs, I can confidently say my time on the farm was some of the most valuable time I’ve spent working, entirely due to the guidance of the Halls. Everywhere we went, people couldn’t wait to come greet John and Bonnie. After spending more time with the Halls, I learned this was because they extend the same care, tenacity, and love toward every facet of their life as they direct toward their farm. I can’t count the times I remember seeing John go out of his way to help someone, stranger or not, with the same unwavering care he has for his animals and his farm.

While much of my time with the Halls was spent at the farm, John Hall’s credentials extend far beyond that of Maple Breeze Farm. John is active in local politics, runs a water treatment company, and has been an active member for more causes than I can list. The Hall name has been in the town of Westbrook since 1635, and has been at the forefront of the community ever since.

The Halls’ loyalty and commitment to the town of Westbrook, as well as John’s experience in local politics and willingness to put 100 percent effort into everything, are all reasons I can’t think of a more fitting first selectman.

Jordan Keeler
