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09/15/2021 08:00 AM

Intelligence, Insights, and Dedication

I wholeheartedly support the re-election of Edward J. Tessman to Clinton’s Board of Police Commissioners. Having served with him during the last four years, I’m impressed by his intelligence, insights, and dedication that keep our town safe through exemplary police services. Nowhere is this more evident than in Ed’s support of the department’s applying for Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) standards.

CALEA recognition is the gold standard; few police departments earn it. Every policy and procedure that the Clinton Police Department employs is analyzed to ascertain it meets CALEA’s benchmarks. Everything is in writing, the focus is on the needs of the community, every officer knows the expectations, and the chain of command is clear.

Ed has been a champion on the Clinton police commission of our attaining CALEA certification. His professional background in both public safety and management brings expertise to commission discussions. His leadership actively supports our robust and effective community policing focus.

Your readers’ votes for Ed Tessman on Nov. 2 will assure that the Clinton Police Department continues its stellar service in town.

Lynn R. Hidek


Democrat Lynn R. Hidek is seeking re-election to the Board of Police Commissioners.