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07/28/2021 08:00 AM

Connect the Dots

As a Guilford parent of two Caucasian boys, a licensed psychotherapist for children and adults, and an assistant clinical professor, I’m dismayed that some are calling culturally responsive education somehow “harmful.”

Fears that children can’t cope with learning about systemic injustices or basics around difference and diversity while in the care of thoughtful adults aren’t reflected in decades of research in the fields of education or psychology, pediatrics, or public health. These aren’t the problems children bring to my office or that my boys share at bedtime.

Guilford teachers embracing diversity in the elementary classrooms are already seeing shifts in how children consider themselves and others in more empathic ways. These efforts aren’t hurting our kids; in fact, it’s quite the opposite.

Children encouraged to embrace diversity within a supportive environment become more empathetic, less likely to bully, better communicators and nuanced problem solvers. These outcomes support the stated district priority to make our schools “physically and emotionally safe, healthy, equitable, and caring places for learning (for students and adults) built upon supportive relationships and positive decision-making.”

Further, a hallmark of development and preparation for adulthood is learning to work through challenging emotions in healthy ways—not to shield oneself from them or act out discomforts in destructive ways.

We know Guilford, even in the elementary schools, still struggles to contain bullying, including about issues of race, gender, and ability.

We also know that distortion, denial, and avoidance of hard topics are not indicators of psychological health or useful for community building.

It’s time Guilford schools fully embrace what the research tells them will work and help students connect the dots between social and emotional development, critical thinking, and academic achievement.

Lauren Dennehy
