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07/07/2021 08:00 AM

Corrosive Teaching

The recent forum on Critical Race Theory (CRT) at the Guilford Community Center was a welcome exposé of this corrosive teaching worming its way into Guilford Public Schools. Having studied this issue for many years, I can report that the speakers’ analyses were spot-on, supported by numerous direct quotations from the racist polemics of Ibram Kendi (“How to Be an Antiracist”) and Robin DiAngelo (“White Fragility”). As a legal publisher, having reviewed more than 3,000 books on law and public policy over the past 25 years, I can report that these two books are nothing less than toxic, left-wing ideology masquerading as scholarship, full of lies, distortions, unsupported generalizations, and racist slanders that, when implemented in the classroom, should be considered a form of educational child abuse.

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Paul Freeman’s ill-considered expenditure of $6,000 for 300 copies of “How to Be an Antiracist” for teachers and staff speaks volumes about his distorted understanding of these complex issues. The ethical standards of the teaching profession demand that there be a clear wall of separation between education and indoctrination. But, in this case, Freeman has, in effect, given teachers the ladder to surmount that wall. Distance learning has already exposed numerous examples of indoctrination going on in Guilford classrooms. The student who testified at the forum related his own maltreatment by students for voicing his thoughtful, conservative views while his teacher allowed it to happen. So much for diversity of thought.

Don’t be fooled by Freeman’s claim that CRT isn’t being taught in the Guilford public schools. This is a common subterfuge by those who advance the same toxic ideology under the guise of “equity [not equality], diversity, and inclusion.” CRT has nothing to do with critical thinking. It is, in fact, critical with the thinking part left out.

Kendall Svengalis
