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06/30/2021 08:00 AMFood insecurity is a major problem in the United States, including the State of Connecticut. Our shoreline community is no exception. The COVID-19 pandemic has only exposed and exacerbated this issue, as many families have experienced significant financial strain.
I organized a virtual 5k walk/run that ended on June 13 to benefit the Shoreline Soup Kitchens & Pantries (SSKP), an organization that provides meals, food, and groceries to families in need, serving 11 towns along the shoreline. The SSKP does tremendous work for our community. We were able to raise $1,225 for the SSKP!
This would not have been possible without the support of our sponsors: The Westbrook Elks Lodge, Pizza Works in Old Saybrook, and Key Bank in Clinton. Thank you to these generous sponsors and thank you to all of you who registered or donated. Let’s all continue to work together to support SSKP and also work toward eliminating the need altogether.
Evan Migdole