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06/03/2021 12:01 AM

Will Not Cure the Issues

I am writing again to voice my opposition to the 100 Sperry Lane, 63 Sperry Lane, 31 Sperry Lane, and 161 Foxon Road development by The Bluffs, LLC, seeking to amend the zoning map to ultimately permit the development of the properties in accordance with the Planned Elderly Facility District zoning regulation.

The prior rejection for this development cited extensive blasting over a unknown period of time. The proposed entrance and exit from this project merges into Route 80 in a easterly and westerly direction and there is questionable ability of Route 80 to accommodate all the traffic generated by this development. Sewage and water runoff would affect the Farm River area and result in the destruction of a existing bird sanctuary. This is a dense proposal that will certainly affect and overdevelop the Foxon Area, causing severe loss of the existing quality of life for all its current and future residents.

These new proposals and appeals will not cure the issues and problems that continue to be foremost in the minds of the East Haven community members who vehemently oppose this project.

Anthony Martone

East Haven