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04/28/2021 08:00 AM

Continue Reporting

It is essential that our country’s devastating systemic racism be brought forward at every opportunity, and I give many thanks to The Source for its recent articles on the subject. I also offer kudos to Devan Cowles-Garcia for being honored as The Source’s Person of the Week on April 1 and for her important work at The Country School to educate children about racial injustice.

The Source defines systemic racism as a form of racism that occurs when laws, policies, or norms favor one race over another, and just a few moments of searching online delivers an avalanche of research documenting that such racism is rampant in America. Statistics show that Black Americans and other people of color are much worse off than their White peers in education, employment, housing, health, environmental ills, nourishment, life expectancy, wealth; the list goes on. In contrast, I have searched but have yet to discover any thoughtful arguments backed up by evidence that credibly makes a case that systemic racism is simply a myth. Thus the time for debate on this subject has long passed, and if we are to be true to America’s promise of equality and justice for all, the focus must be on meaningful change to correct these pervasive and gross injustices.

I am so pleased that the topic of systemic racism is being brought to light right here in Madison. I encourage The Source to continue its reporting on this issue, thus helping to stimulate conversations and real changes that are centuries overdue.

Cecily Baran
