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01/13/2021 07:00 AM

True Heroes

On the weekend of Dec. 4, 2020, I became very ill with high fevers, no energy, and just not feeling well. After a call to my primary doctor telling her my symptoms, she suggested I go straight to the E.R. She even called ahead to ask them to admit me because she didn’t like my symptoms. Unfortunately, the doctors at the E.R. ignored my doctor and just assumed I had COVID, telling me to go home take Tylenol and quarantine myself.

On Dec. 6 my symptoms took a pretty bad turn for the worst, My temp was close to 105 and I just felt sicker than I ever felt. My primary doctor told my wife to call 911 and again she called the E.R. to tell them I needed to be admitted. When the East Haven Fire Department and AMR arrived, my wife told them that there was a chance I had COVID. That didn’t stop these men and women from giving me fantastic care, helping me get into the ambulance and two East Haven firefighters hopped into the ambulance to help out until I got to the E.R.

I can’t thank them enough. They are true heroes, putting their patients’ needs first, knowing they can be putting their own safety at risk. I am very grateful.

I want everyone to know what true heroes our first responders are. It turns out I didn’t have COVID at all, I had a very rare form of pneumonia (Legionella pneumonia). I spent a few days in the hospital, but I’m expected to make a full recovery, thanks in part to the care given to me by the first responders.

Robert Gambardella

East Haven