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10/28/2020 07:00 AM

The Background and History

Having read his platform and listened to him in the past few months, I made the decision to vote for John-Michael Parker for state representative for the 101st District.

Small towns like Madison haven’t been receiving funding equivalent to what we citizens have been paying. The larger cities command far greater representation and we need John-Michael Parker to aggressively work with other small-town representatives and challenge the way funding has been distributed. With a new school building probably in our not-too-distant future, we need someone who has the educational and fiscal background to fight for increased state funding for our new building. We’ll need a building that takes into account the future and potential unexpected health issues.

Given the current pandemic, we also need him to advocate on the state level for schools and educators to receive adequate funding to cover the increased costs that have been necessary this year and next year. Parents now know what schools and teachers do every day.

John-Michael Parker has also committed to listen to and take care of people in the areas of healthcare and affordable drugs (with so many unemployed right now, this has become a critical state necessity), transportation, tax relief for seniors, veteran’s programs, people with disabilities, living wages, the environment (I don’t want my house to be listed someday as waterfront property when it’s currently nearly two miles from Long Island Sound), small business programs, and gun violence.

These are only a few of the issues that confront today’s legislators, but I’m confident that John-Michael Parker has the stamina, the collaborative skills, the background and history, and the confidence to hit the Capitol floor running when he’s sworn in.

I encourage your readers to cast their votes for John-Michael Parker between now (by absentee ballot) and Nov. 3.

Henry Gettenberg
