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10/28/2020 07:00 AM

Innovative, Visionary, Effective

As a scientist, I support political candidates who rely on scientific research and facts to inform their decisions. State Senator Christine Cohen (D-12) and State Representative Robin Comey (D-102) are two such candidates, and that is why I enthusiastically endorse their respective elections to second terms.

So many decisions that affect our lives require careful evaluation of data to develop evidence-based policies. From issues related to health, the environment, education, and economic development, Christine Cohen and Robin Comey use factual data and evidence to inform their policies for our state. Just this year, faced with the unprecedented challenge of a global pandemic, their leadership and prioritization of the health and welfare of their constituents has been exemplary.

In addition to being a scientist, I am also a mother and care deeply about policies that will help all our children today and secure a bright future for them tomorrow. These policies must also be rooted in science and be placed above political agendas. Christine Cohen and Robin Comey are doing exactly this, whether through efforts to improve early childhood education or developing plans to ensure the resiliency of our coastal community and much more.

Christine Cohen and Robin Comey are innovative, visionary, and effective legislators, and I am confident that they will continue to prioritize the safety and well-being of Branford and Connecticut residents in the legislature. I encourage your readers to join me in voting for them this November.

Katerina Politi
