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10/28/2020 07:00 AM

Hardworking, Effective Voice

Over the past two years, State Senator Christine Cohen (D-12) has proven herself to be a hardworking, effective voice in the State Senate for our part of Connecticut and a proponent of creative and sound programs to bring Connecticut forward toward economic prosperity. She’s been a champion for the environment, notably creating and co-chairing the bipartisan Coastal Caucus, Her actions have contributed to the creation of the Coastal Resiliency Fund, allowing for municipalities to mitigate the effects of climate change on the shoreline.

I’ve been grateful for Christine’s daily COVID updates. She has helped her constituents navigate state and federal assistance with food security, rental assistance, and small business grants. She understands that science guides a smart and safe re-opening of our towns and the state of Connecticut.

She constantly kept us informed during Tropical Storm Isaias, and demanded accountability from Eversource for leaving customers in darkness for way too long.

There seems to be some misunderstanding of Christine’s continued support for public safety and our police. She has voted to increase police funding, training, and resources. She worked in a bipartisan manner to secure reimbursement for body-worn cameras in our district, and is currently working to secure funding to build a new police station in North Branford. She voted in favor of expanding workers’ compensation coverage for local police and firefighters to include mental health support and periodic screenings to keep law enforcement safe and healthy. And she voted for an increase in pay and benefits for our state police. She holds our law enforcement officers in high regard and says so often.

Christine has spent her time in Hartford working tirelessly for all of us, and I hope your readers will join me in sending her back to the State Senate to keep up her good work!

Anne Foley
