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10/21/2020 08:00 AM

For the Right Reasons

I am writing to encourage voters to re-elect Norm Needleman (D) as state senator for the 33rd District, a legislator I truly admire for his character and competence. Norm is serving as state senator for the right reasons: to solve problems in order to make Connecticut an even better place to live for his grandchildren and all of our families.

During his first two years in the State Senate, Norm has proven to be an effective legislator, playing an instrumental role in passing legislation to increase renewable energy use in Connecticut to help our state meet its goal of 100 percent carbon-free power by 2040. As Senate chair of the Energy and Technology Committee, Norm led the charge to help pass a bipartisan bill that will strengthen accountability for the energy providers and address shortcomings in their response to major storms.

Our state is facing serious issues, from climate change to unfunded pension liability. We need experienced legislators with a proven track record to address these and other issues. Norm has shown that he can work with legislators on both sides of the aisle to pass legislation that will solve problems and make life better for the people in Connecticut.

We are fortunate to have such a strong candidate running for office. I encourage voters to re-elect Norm Needleman for State Senate so that we can continue to benefit from his service.

Kate Gilstad-Hayden
