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10/14/2020 08:00 AM

Expertise in Spades

The year 2020 has delivered formidable challenges for our shoreline towns. Extraordinary times call for extraordinary people running for office. Setting ourselves up for a successful recovery from the pandemic crisis requires that we vote for candidates with contemporary skills, creative problem-solving expertise, and the energy to take on the difficulties faced by families and citizens for the unforeseeable future.

For Westbrook voters in the 35th District, the choice is crystal clear. Christine Goupil, Democratic candidate for state representative, has expertise in spades. As the former first selectman of Clinton and a current Town Council member, Christine is a professional project manager by trade. She had significant successes during her tenure as the Clinton’s CEO and is not afraid to take on the tough issues, solve them, and move the town forward. A vote for Christine is a vote for moving our district forward.

Our tax base will hit a wall in 2021. Serious times do not call for the status quo. This time calls for people who are strong, serious leaders who can think outside of the box to tackle obstacles head-on.

Belinda Jones
