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10/07/2020 08:00 AM

Informed, Consistent, Hardworking

“Who leads matters” is the simple declaration on the bright blue and yellow Palm campaign yard signs. When Christine Palm ran for election in 2018, I was focused on that first word-“Who.” Christine is a friend and neighbor and had impressed me as being passionate in her desire to help her community. It did not come as a surprise when she asked me what I thought about her desire to run for office. To the great and enduring benefit of our district, State Representative Christine Palm (D-36)became “who”.

“Leads” means taking initiative and being an example for others to follow. Christine Palm has three qualities that are rare in combination but eminently desirable in a public servant. She is equally as adept at being proactive and foreseeing challenges as she is at being reactive and problem solving crises that crop up unexpectedly. She also excels at communication.

In her first term she advanced two bills to protect the environment, conceived and implemented the first Young Adult Earner Prosperity Roundtable, was instrumental in passing paid family and medical leave, and helped craft a bill making it easier to vote absentee during the COVID pandemic. Ms. Palm is responsive to her constituents and is a prolific writer of published articles and op eds. I deeply appreciate having a clear understanding of where my legislator stands on the issues—Christine Palm leads, shares information, and removes the guess work.

While a 100 percent voting record is deserving of applause, informed, consistent, and hardworking leadership deserves a standing ovation. For this reason I will vote to re-elect Christine Palm as my state representative on Nov. 3.

Karli Gilbertson-Spinella
