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09/30/2020 08:00 AM

Empathic and Tolerant

Rarely do the adjectives “empathic” and “tolerant” occur in the same sentence as “politician,” especially in our divisive political climate. But when I think of State Representative Robin Comey (D-102), those are the first descriptors that come to my mind.

Robin, as she prefers to be called, has faced trying situations in her life that provided her with the kind of education one can’t learn in school. Instead of making her bitter, Robin has developed a keen sense of empathy for the human condition, the underdogs, and the marginalized. Similarly, Robin isn’t impatient with those who struggle. Rather, she has compassion for those who need help, and that includes all of us regardless of the ways we are diverse, even politically so.

Robin’s compassion for the human condition was acutely demonstrated during the pandemic, as well as in the difficult aftermath of recent Branford storms. Instead of being paralyzed by her own anxiety, she turned her empathy into advocacy. She championed on behalf of those who needed help navigating large and complex systems to obtain unemployment benefits or get their power restored. She and others can tell you example after example of the assistance she provided to individuals in her district. To some, she became an unsung personal hero at a time of dire uncertainty.

As a social worker and advocate myself, I appreciate the personal integrity it takes to take on the troubles of others with the goal of building up rather than tearing down. I see in Robin that kind of integrity and selflessness. I plan to vote for Robin to represent me and the entirety of the 102nd District as I know that in her I can count on a human being who really does care.

Christine Simpson
