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09/16/2020 08:00 AM

Thoughtful Economic Development

A vote for Christine Goupil is a vote for economic development. From activity on the Clinton Town Council, to the Planning & Zoning Commission and her work on the Downtown Revitalization Committee, Christine has proven herself as a leader in strategic and thoughtful economic development.

Her plan is to reinvest in already-developed areas so that they may expand and become even more integral in town infrastructure. Christine will also implement a plan to develop brownfields, locations that were once used for industrial purposes or commerce and are now contaminated or thought to be contaminated. These sites offer land that simply needs to be examined and invested in before use. Using these sites, and others that offer potential but are currently underdeveloped, she will support local businesses to invest in our community. This development will feature low-impact development, protecting the water sources and land to promote environmentally friendly economic development.

Christine will pay special attention to maintaining businesses that already exist. During these difficult times, it is important to continue to support our local store owners and restaurants to not only uphold the local economy but also the people whose livelihoods depend on the stores that they own.

Christine will do this and so much more as the representative for the 35th District. I encourage everyone to not only vote, but to vote for Christine Goupil.

Sarah Auletta
