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07/15/2020 08:00 AM

Heart-Wrenching and Heartwarming

I thank Dylan and Ethan Richmond for their heart-wrenching and heartwarming wake-up speech given at the Black Lives Matter Youth Protest in Madison and appearing in the July 2 Courier [“‘So Now We Move. And Now We Change. And Now We March.”].

Being 93, I can say that their message is being told in the dramatic manner they have by the only ones who are really qualified to tell those stories. They are my heroes, with so much courage at their young age to bare their souls in public. As they so vividly pointed out, they can never escape their black color, whereas we in the GLBTQ community can usually hide and stay in the closet, but that creates other serious problems, which I and millions of others experienced by doing so.

David Knapp
