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06/10/2020 08:00 AM

Meals and a Smile

During this pandemic, when many of us are staying at home, activities of kindness in Guilford stand out against a backdrop of silence and stillness. The hum of generosity has interrupted the quiet. Neighbors help neighbors with a fervor inspired by this unprecedented time. At Meals on Wheels, we’ve increased our client base and now deliver to elderly and at-risk citizens in more than 165 Guilford households. We’ve been assisted throughout this crisis by many individuals and businesses.

Our experienced, loyal volunteer drivers continue to provide the wheels on which we roll. We couldn’t deliver our meals without them.

Recently, the following have teamed up with Meals on Wheels to help us: Blazing Fresh Donuts, Jean Gresham (Artist), and Naples Restaurant and Pizza. Numerous people have also made cards, baked goods, and called to offer help. We’re grateful to all in Guilford who have become part of our team, helping us as we work together to provide meals and a smile to our seniors.

In addition, we want to thank those who have provided financial support: Archdiocese of Hartford, Community Foundation of Greater New Haven, Guilford Agricultural Society, Guilford Cares (Ethan Song Foundation), Guilford Garden Club, First Congregational Church (especially Judi Wallace and the Pilgrim Fellowship Program), Medtronic Foundation, St. George Church, Shoreline CT Yoga & Wellness (Erin Schuster), United Way, Walmart, and many individuals.

We wish to express our appreciation to Panera Bread and Take the Cake for their ongoing contributions and the Courier for publishing our news of the selfless nature of our neighbors whose generosity reminds us that we’re not alone and that we are lucky to live in this town.

Thanks go to one and all! This support bolsters us during these difficult times, and allows us to continue to assist Guilford residents in need.

Christi Burton, Director

Meals on Wheels

Marta Slattery, Executive Director

Interfaith Volunteers