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05/27/2020 08:00 AM

Liberty and Democracy

At this time, we see and hear much gratitude for the heroic work of our medical professionals and while I fully concur (my own daughter is a nurse), we are overlooking another worthy group. These are our retail workers here in town, who from day one have valiantly stayed at their posts to ensure we have the food and all our other needs met, as if everything were normal.

Recently, while shopping, I have been doing a little research and have yet to find any evidence of increased infection rates amongst retail workers despite their daily being in close proximity to numerous individuals, but with sensible mitigation. Unless there is credible evidence to the contrary, this would suggest there is no reason why our normal democratic rights need to be suspended if similar precautions are applied.

Why then is the Town Hall closed and, on the decree of the governor, has the town increased our taxes without following the usual procedures? Now we hear the state is planning to change to mail-in voting for November’s election, which is six months away. Is there really a need or is there some other reason?

With all the new restrictions, even here in our little town, it can be seen how easily we give up our liberty and democracy.

“Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” -Benjamin Franklin. Wise words!

David Roberts
