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05/13/2020 08:00 AM

Missteps Don’t Bode Well

This past May 2 was a delightful day to be outdoors. How wonderful that Guilford town officials re-opened our parks. Unfortunately, many failed to heed First Selectman Hoey’s April 29 emergency order (EO), whicih explicitly states that social distancing should be maintained and that masks should be worn when in close proximity to others.

More disturbing was the absence of the monitors that Hoey promised in his text/email/phone call sent to all residents. Monitors were to remind folks of the EO and to call in police were enforcement needed. Monitors were not in evidence at the Guilford track, Jacobs Beach, and the Town Marina. My wife and I did call the police, who did a drive by, but stated they have no enforcement authority and are still trying to figure this out. The officers we spoke with appeared unaware of the details of the EO.

These missteps do not bode well for re-opening businesses and town services. Guilford cannot enforce safe practices without the widespread support of the citizenry. My mask protects you from me, but you need a mask to protect me from you on crowded sidewalks and in recreational areas. As a senior citizen, I am at particular risk, but please note that this virus also causes stroke in young and middle-aged adults. Further, the symptomless of any age can be infectious.

If we are to safely re-open Guilford without triggering a second wave of disease, we all need to pitch in. How else can we feel safe visiting town businesses? Other than closing the town down again, the Town of Guilford just demonstrated it can’t succeed without our collective action to keep everyone safe.

Larry Rizzolo
