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12/25/2019 07:00 AM

Misguided Notion of Morality

In these politically polarized times, I was not surprised to see the letter from one of your readers [David Burke, Dec. 12 letter “Courier Values Profit Over Ethics”] objecting to the running of an advertisement for a firearms store on Route 80 in North Branford. Editor Brian Boyd is to be commended for his thoughtful and balanced response to that correspondence.

It is worth noting that there are hundreds of thousands of licensed firearms holders in Connecticut who regularly engage in recreational shooting. In fact, in Guilford alone there are two such organizations, each with memberships in the hundreds and each of which has been in existence for more than 50 years.

It makes little sense that a lawful business that caters to this market should be prevented from advertising in the local media because of some misguided notion of morality or political correctness.

David Egan
