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12/18/2019 07:00 AM

A Festive and Successful Event

The Friends of the Guilford Free Library (FOGFL) members would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of our holiday book and bake sale.

The sale, one of FOGFL’s three major fundraisers, took place from Dec. 5 to 7 and represented a community-wide effort. We would like to express our gratitude to all the donors who brought in books for resale, the individual bakers as well as the businesses and organizations that donated baked goods, the carolers from Adams Middle School, and Mimi Dudley who provided holiday music on her flute. We also want to thank the many volunteers, including those from Citizens Bank, who staffed the actual sale, and also the boy scouts who helped put the books away at the end of the sale. As always, we extend thanks to the library director and staff who supported the friends in every way and the media whose publicity brought hundreds of holiday shoppers to the event.

Because of the efforts of these contributors, the holiday sale was an outstanding success. Revenues will help purchase new books, both print and non-print, and large-screen computers for classes and library programs. Funds from FOGFL also provide such amenities as museum passes and support a wealth of programs that range from author discussions to lectures, concerts, movies, children’s summer reading programs, technology classes, and musical events. Library personnel also benefit from staff development programs funded by FOGFL.

To all those who made the sale a festive and successful event, FOGFL members express their heartfelt gratitude. We encourage your readers to consider joining the friends or donating gently used books, paper ephemera, prints, or maps for our next sale.

Carol Wright and Cathy Peterson

Co-Chairs, Publicity

Friends of the Guilford Free Library