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12/04/2019 07:00 AM

What a Difference

What a difference some loose change makes! Our United Church of Chester family and the wider community of Chester merchants and their patrons, as well as Cub Scout Pack 13, which joined our Christian education students in the effort for the first time this October, helped raise almost twice our goal for UNICEF, coming in at a whopping $352.01. Yes, even that last penny counted, to feed, shelter, and give aid to children near and far.

A special shout out goes to Little House Brewing Co. for placing a “trick or treat for UNICEF” box on each table, and to the beer lovers who filled those boxes to the brim. UNICEF continues to be one of the highest-rated charities in the world, so people knew that the spare change they dropped into those boxes literally changed children’s lives for the better.

Last, I am truly thankful to our Chester merchants who willingly contribute to our outreach efforts whenever needed, and I hope people shop locally this holiday season, in order to give back to them, what they so freely give to a larger cause, throughout the year.

Margie Warner, UNICEF Coordinator

United Church of Chester