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10/30/2019 08:00 AM

Prepared to Work

Every election is important, but this year who we choose to put on the Board of Finance stands out as one of the most significant votes in decades. Our Board of Finance drives the fiscal health and all future opportunities for Madison.

At a time when small towns are increasingly underfunded by the state, it’s imperative that we have experienced fiscal managers driving budget decisions. The impact of voting for disciplined candidates like Fillmore McPherson and Justin Murphy, who have a vision for Madison, should be considered by every single voter. Fillmore and Justin exemplify the best of this community. They understand that all citizens have a right to be truly represented and considered in all future planning.

Fillmore as a senior himself understands the importance of making fiscal decisions that allow seniors who have built this community to afford to retire here. Justin knows that young families want strong schools and future job opportunities for their kids. Together they are a great team, prepared to work for all of us.

This is a very important election. I encourage your readers to seriously consider their votes and to vote for Fillmore McPherson and Justin Murphy on Nov. 5.

State Representative Noreen Kokoruda (R-101)
