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10/30/2019 08:00 AM

Knowledge and Perspective

I am writing to encourage Madison voters to re-elect Scott Murphy to the Madison Board of Selectmen for his third term. Scott has served the town well during his tenure. He has served as liaison to the Board of Education, the Capital Improvement Committee, Madison Youth & Family Services, and as vice chair of the Madison Park Development Commission and chair of the Fields Advisory Committee. Through his interactions with these boards and committees, Scott has gained knowledge of and perspective on the issues most important to the residents of Madison. He has been an attentive listener to the concerns and ideas of residents about the future growth and development of our town. He will continue to recommend that citizen advisory committees be set up to study proposals and generate ideas and will thoroughly review the relevant reports and public comments produced by the process.

Scott is dedicated to ensuring that best governance practices be followed by our elected and appointed officials. He will urge the reactivation of the citizen-driven ethics commission that was approved by the selectmen more than a decade ago. He is committed to the concept that when the sun shines on the workings of our town boards and committees, the decisions made will benefit Madison’s residents now and into the future.

A healthy financial and community-oriented future for Madison depends on the commitment of dedicated and knowledgeable residents such as Scott Murphy. He will continue to solicit our ideas and encourage citizen participation in town governance.

Susannah Graedel
