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10/30/2019 08:00 AM

A Proven Dedication

Carolyn Sires is running for RTM in the 5th District on the Republican ticket. Carolyn Sires has an unquestionable character, a guiding principle to do what is right, and an inestimable work ethic.

I know Carolyn Sires has exactly what it takes to be a strong voice and powerful advocate for the 5th District. She will support the people, not the politics, and maybe that’s what’s important, that we care about people, not politics.

Never once did we ever question the political direction of anybody, whether they were veterans, seniors or disabled. We take care of the people first and we make sure we do what’s right for the people of the town, and that is in essence what Carolyn is doing for Parkside Village, protecting the people. Since 2016, she has been on a factual crusade and has been able to peel back the facts to realize that the neighborhood cares about the people. Carolyn has the district’s best interest at heart. She will not turn her back on the people, whether she agrees or disagrees with their stance. Carolyn listens.

Residents won’t only see or hear from her at election time. Carolyn won’t do what is popular, she will do what is right! She puts people over politics.

Carolyn has a demonstrated commitment to social and economic justice. These are qualities that we need in the 5th District.

Carolyn Sires has a proven dedication to solve our toughest district challenges, a demonstrated community-oriented work ethic, and a proactive passion for the district.

Carolyn Sires embodies all these qualities and I proudly support and endorse her campaign.

Nancy Petrowski
