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10/30/2019 08:00 AM

A Leadership Role

Some people in town have criticized our present First Selectman Tom Banisch based upon little or no evidence. Some claim that a first selectman deserves no credit for accomplishments that occurred during his term, as such does not prove that he came up with the idea or was responsible for its implementation. Others blame our first selectman for all problems in town during his term, even where other selectmen from both parties voted with him on those issues. So, which is it?

Tom has also been unfairly criticized for serving on the board of the Connecticut Interlocal Risk Management Agency (CIRMA), alleging that such service is unethical and creates a conflict of interest [Oct. 17 letter “Another Embarrassing Icon” by Beth Skudder]. Those criticizing Tom for this service ignore the fact that all of CIRMA’s other board members are also mayors or first selectmen of Connecticut towns. Contrary to what is implied by such criticism, it is important for Madison’s continued strength in the area of municipal risk management services for our first selectman (who also serves as CIRMA’s vice chairman) to be taking a leadership role in this critical statewide group.

Tom Banisch is doing a wonderful job for all of us. His dedication to this community is undebatable. It’s campaign season, so it’s time for each of us to check the facts. And it’s also important to not vote against Tom merely as a way to register opposition to the crazy antics and inaction of many of the national leaders of Tom’s party.

Don’t let partisan politics and misinformation determine this election. We should all vote for the best candidate running for all local positions based on the important local issues, regardless of party. Tom’s proven record makes him my candidate for first selectman.

Steven Shaw
