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10/23/2019 08:00 AM

What We Need

I am writing in support of Jim Dahl and Bill Cummings as Republicans for the Board of Finance. Their combined experience as individuals who have had responsibilities managing major budgets in the business world is what we need to oversee our budgets.

Mr. Dahl currently serves on the Board of Finance and is also on the Westbrook Visiting Nurses Board of Directors. Jim has been the administrative head of a nursing home that in addition to his financial duties, coordinated staffing and personnel, and was held accountable for insuring the health and wellbeing of all clientele.

Mr. Cummings is vice president of two major corporations and has the business acumen that we need on the Board of Finance. Bill is not a politician, and this is an asset to his candidacy. He will insist that every dollar of our taxes must be justified in order for us to continue with balanced budgets and the excellent services that we provide to our residents.

I encourage your readers to support Jim Dahl and Bill Cummings for the Board of Finance.

Selectman John Hall


Republican John Hall is seeking re-election in November.