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10/23/2019 08:00 AM

Vision, Hard Work, and Integrity

I encourage your readers to vote Row A in support of Clinton’s entire Democratic team because their vision, hard work, and integrity has allowed Clinton to move forward with numerous economic development initiatives that will increase Clinton’s commercial tax base so as to lessen the burden on residential taxes. At the same time, concrete action has been taken or completed to preserve and enhance the Clinton community and the town’s services to its citizens.

These actions include initiating a tourism and manufacturers roundtable to support Clinton’s businesses in areas of potential growth; moving forward in the sale, demolition, and development of the old Morgan School; negotiating with potential buyer for Unilever and utilizing grants to help potential development of property; and meeting with Stanley Bostitch to determine condition for property future.

The actions also include initiating an Economic Development Commission-recommended study by a consultant to assess potential use of Route 145/old Unilever warehouse as a sports complex; successfully pressing for new Clinton train station to begin construction in 2019, a new art district for downtown Clinton, and the Clinton Greenway that unites Madison to Westbrook; creating new downtown/Route 1 Village District that preserves Clinton’s historic architecture and New England seaport heritage; and encouraging the Department of Public Works’ creation of a five-year plan to improve/repave streets.

The team also successfully pressed for further improvements/efficiency in schools, including Pierson School closure; acted wisely in refinancing town debt, saving Clinton close to $700,000 over the next five years; and completed town’s desired charter revision with a search committee currently interviewing new town manager candidates to be presented for new Town Council’s consideration and hiring.

Let’s keep Clinton moving forward in the above positive direction by voting Row A for the entire Democratic ticket.

Lawrence A. Ouellette, Jr.
