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10/23/2019 08:00 AM

A Pragmatic Idealist

First Selectman Christine Goupil should be on Clinton’s Town Council. The structure of town government is changing, and there is nobody better to help oversee that transition than its most prominent advocate.

Even at the cost of her own job, she stands alongside the overwhelming majority of voters who support the switch to a town manager system. While she’s had that job, however, she’s made Clinton better off. During her tenure, she’s secured several grants for the town for the advancement of infrastructure and public health, sold the old Morgan property to a reputable developer, and begun construction on the new train station.

I’ve been lucky enough to see Christine in action, answering questions from voters on the problems the town faces and how they can be solved. She is always prepared, presenting day-to-day problems in the context of her broader vision for our future. She’s a pragmatic idealist, eager to explain how we can deepen Clinton’s small-town appeal one fixed pothole at a time.

Christine and the rest of the Democratic slate of candidates are poised to help keep Clinton moving forward. I encourage your readers to vote row A on Tuesday, Nov. 5.

Eli Phelps
