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09/11/2019 08:00 AM

The Right Moderate Vision

Why should Madison re-elect Tom Banisch as first selectman on Nov. 5? Because Tom is the first selectman who has the taxpayers’ interest as his first priority. Before spending projects are locked in stone by town special interest groups for a referendum, he will question their financial sustainability and whether the town is ready to foot a new bill. Tom has the right moderate vision for Madison’s goals, cultural needs, and great schools and is readily accessible to his constituents.

He will also step outside the box and try to create town revenue while taking the heat doing so. He tried to privatize the Academy Street School, which has been in mothballs for 10-plus years creating nothing but expense. It didn’t work, but now we may be looking at closer to the actual costs to turn the building into a community center—if that’s what the town wants. Hopefully, the Collier’s estimate includes bringing building code costs up to date.

There are huge school system maintenance costs—$150-180 million—proposed down the road and a new school, all while the school population continues to drop.

I ask fellow voters to consider whom they want in the first selectman’s office to tackle these issues. I encourage your readers to re-elect Tom Banisch.

Bob Roxbrough
