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09/11/2019 08:00 AM

Can Get Things Done

Recently I’ve been seeking public opinion (not scientific) on social media, trying to get a better sense of constituent interests and priorities. The responses suggest we are much more like-minded than we realize. This leads me to the following question: What if we all focused on solving local problems together in a collaborative manner rather than voting on party lines? Having a difference of opinion is not partisan. It seems we all directionally agree on a shared vision for Madison. If we actively collaborate, we can accomplish so much more for our town.

Right now, we’re at a pivotal time in our town, with many large capital expenditures looming in our immediate future. We need to develop an integrated plan that makes sense to everyone in our community. To achieve this will require compromise and communication. It’s imperative that all three elected boards (Selectmen, Finance, and Education) work closely together to create a realistic plan for our town. The Tri-Board Facilities Working Group that the Board of Education created is an encouraging example that we can do this. Change is hard, but if there’s a well-reasoned solution that has bi-partisan support and is properly explained to the community, we can get things done!

The focus for our beloved Madison should be long-term, sustained growth. We want new families to come to Madison to enjoy everything it has to offer, and we want people of all ages to feel welcome and supported so they continue to stay here. To do this, our leaders need to step up to the plate and lead. This will require some tough conversations, but if we’re all willing to respectfully listen to each other, openly communicate, actively collaborate, and make the tough decisions, I’m confident we can make real progress together.

Selectman Scott Murphy


Democrat Scott Murphy is seeking re-election in November.