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05/29/2019 08:00 AM

Let Working Families Down

I am very disappointed in State Senator Len Fasano (R-34) and State Representative Joe Zullo (R-99) for voting against the $15 minimum wage bill.

I have lived in East Haven for 20 years and I am a proud retired member of Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 777. East Haven is a blue-collar town. We feel empathy for our neighbors. We know their struggles. I’m one of the lucky ones. I had a good union job that afforded me the opportunity to buy a home, have health insurance, and retire with dignity. But I know too many people who’ve had to choose between paying their heating bill or their prescription medication. I know too many people who’ve cut back on groceries to make their mortgage payment. I know too many people who came out of retirement because they couldn’t make ends meet.

Senator Fasano and Representative Zullo let the working families of East Haven down. The bill they voted against, which will luckily become law, gradually increases the minimum wage from $10.10 to $15 over four years. The legislation also includes a training wage for 16 and 17-year olds. Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Maine, all have higher minimum wages than Connecticut. This bill will ultimately help East Haven residents. There was just no good reason to vote against it.

Frank DaCato

East Haven