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04/10/2019 08:00 AM

To Provide a Benefit

Regarding Guilford Lakes Golf Course cited by the Anderheggen’s letter [“Dig Deeper,” march 28, Susan and Chris Anderheggen], why is the golf course the only activity cited in the letter? There’s no mention of soccer fields, baseball fields, tennis courts, parks, beaches, the green, etc. Why is golf singled out? Any reason?

The Guilford Lakes Golf Course is a wonderful part of the recreational activities offered in our town. In fact, it’s probably one of the best-known features of Guilford throughout the state.

Recreational activities are benefits provided by the town for its inhabitants to enjoy. It’s why we pay taxes. It’s why we support the budget.

Some of the other issues raised in their letter could be valid, and I would encourage people who feel they could do better to run for office themselves and make the budget and town better, but to pick out one activity and say it doesn’t pay for itself makes no sense—it’s not supposed to pay for itself. It’s supposed to provide a benefit to town residents at a reasonable cost.

Bradley Kronstat
