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02/06/2019 07:00 AM

A Sinister Development

I read with concern that the proposed Guilford human rights commission is moving forward [Jan. 17, “Guilford’s Proposed Human Rights Commission Heads to Public Hearing Feb. 4”], and that it seeks a change in our town charter to legitimize its activities as an official part of our town government.

What we have is a self-appointed group that wishes to be recognized as official arbiter of other people’s positions and conduct.

While I do not in any way excuse bad behavior, I see this as a sinister development akin to the Saudis having religious police in Riyadh, to keep people’s minds straight!

However benignly this may start, it seems likely to attract zealots who will want to impose their world view on others. Allowing these people into schools to propagandize children could be problematic; will parents be able to exempt their children if they object to this?

While Guilford has had the odd incident, it can hardly be seen as a hotbed of crime and bigotry, however when people do break the law they should bear the consequences. Unfortunately what is being proposed could become an intrusive Stazi-like presence, with individuals turning in their neighbors for not toeing the line of political correctness.

I can visualize this group attempting to shut down anyone it disagree with; this would be totally un-American, and tantamount to curtailing our First Amendment rights under the Constitution.

I hope all in town will see the potential danger in this, and express their opposition before it’s too late.

David Roberts
