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01/23/2019 07:00 AM

Clearing the Smoke Screen

More than 50 parents, students, and community members attended “Smoke Screen: An Educational Program About the Dangers of E-cigarettes and Vaping” at Polson Middle School on Jan. 16. Madison Youth & Family Services (MYFS) and MADE in Madison provided an information-rich presentation including the power of the tobacco industry’s youth-targeted marketing campaign (based on its need to replace its older users who are dying), the fallacy of harmless vapor vs the reality of heavy-metal and toxic laden aerosols, the ease of access and ability to hide and disguise use and items, as well as samples of items used. A panel discussion included Dr. Karen Goldberg from Shoreline Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, two seniors from Daniel Hand High School, Catherine Barden from MADE, and MYFS Director Scott Cochran. There was a wide range of questions, comments, observations and suggestions in the valuable conversation we shared.

The presentation was recorded and a link to the video will be shared widely when available—stay tuned to the MYFS website and Facebook to learn more. Readers may contact MYFS directly if they would like to have a similar presentation at their school or group. Many thanks go to MYFS and MADE staff who created this presentation for the community, to Frank Henderson and Polson Middle School staff for support and assistance presenting the event, and the many other members of Madison Public Schools and our local community who are committed to keeping our children safe from the dangers of addiction to nicotine, THC, and all drugs.

Beth Skudder, Co-President

Polson PTO