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10/31/2018 08:00 AM

Represents Us All

I want to thank the people of Madison for all the support that they have given my wife, State representative Noreen Kokoruda (R-101), over the years. During the campaign, all the talk seems to be about the legislation in Hartford, but what we don’t talk about is the hours weekly spent on addressing constituent concerns and problems.

Noreen will tell you that constituent work is her favorite part of the job and I will tell you that she’s very good at it. When a senior citizen calls concerned about a critical program, Noreen is immediately in touch with our senior center to see how she can help. When a resident has an issue with utility costs, caring for their aging parents, or a loss of vital program, Noreen knows who to call and what questions to ask. When changes to education initiatives are pushed through by the Department of Education, Noreen is in contact with our superintendent to see how our kids are impacted and speaks out in Hartford on our kids behalf. When a parent has a concerns about their children’s special needs, she is quickly on the phone to help. Every month some small business owner calls for help with a red tape government issue that hurts his or her business. I can’t even count all the time she spends trying to fix DMV problems for Madison residents.

These are just a sampling, but you get the point: When anyone needs her, she is there. Obviously I’m a bit prejudiced, but Noreen Kokoruda never forgets that she represents us all. I’m proud to be married to such an honest, fair, and courageous woman. She works hard, is open-minded, and treats everyone with respect. Not only am I proud to be married to her—I’m voting for her!

Dan Kokoruda
