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10/31/2018 08:00 AM

Get Back on Track

Election 2018 is one of the most important elections in our state’s history. We all know the challenges that our state faces and there is enough blame to go around both Republicans and Democrats. It’s time to stop finger pointing and hold those elected to office accountable to the residents of Connecticut, not their party.

There are two candidates who I am confident, if they are sent to Hartford, will work for the residents and businesses of the 33rd State Senate and 35th districts: Norm Needleman for State Senate and Jason Adler for General Assembly.

Norm, as the CEO of Tower Labs and first selectman of Essex, has shown that he knows how to run a successful business in Connecticut’s tough business environment and has led Essex in a bipartisan manner, keeping taxes amongst the lowest in Connecticut.

Jason, a school counselor, understands the value of education and providing our children with resources, whether in the classroom or our technical school programs. He wants to stop the brain drain in our state and work to keep our students in Connecticut and keep our taxes in check, so our parents and grandparents remain in Connecticut.

These gentlemen will take a bipartisan approach to Hartford that our districts have not seen for years. They will bring people together to get Connecticut back on track.

On Nov. 6, a vote for Norm and Jason is a vote for Connecticut residents and businesses.

Chris Ehlert
