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10/31/2018 08:00 AM

Can Frame Workable Solutions

Endorsement letters all sound in sincerity, but those that resonate are based on direct personal knowledge of the candidate and, therefore, an informed judgment of how well the candidate will perform if elected.

State Senate candidate Christine Cohen is a friend, and I have extensively discussed policy issues with her. She is, of course, an elected town official, charged as a member of the Board of Education with the responsibilities of meeting a budget, overseeing the education of thousands of Guilford’s young people, and working with her Democratic and Republican colleagues on the board. Based on her experience in public life, community service, and business and, honestly, her smarts, she understands the state-wide issues and has shown she can frame workable solutions that gain bipartisan support.

In a crisis, you want battle-tested veterans with proven decision-making ability. I encourage your readers to vote for Christine to move the state forward and represent our best interests.

Irving S. Schloss
